Monthly Archives: June 2014

How Professional House Cleaning in St. Louis Addresses Pet Shedding

Keeping a home clean and tidy is a daunting task for most people—more so if they live with pets. Guest columnist Wendy Nan Rees of shares her own experience on the difficulties of keeping a residence spic-and-span when there are dogs around.
Continue reading How Professional House Cleaning in St. Louis Addresses Pet Shedding

Summer Get-together at Home? Hire St. Louis House Cleaning Services

Summer in St. Louis means that backyards are flourishing once again. During this season, locals are more likely to organize get-togethers at home. However, as Jessika Toothman writes, for, those who have disorganized, messy homes are not at all excited about hosting summer gatherings:
Continue reading Summer Get-together at Home? Hire St. Louis House Cleaning Services